I am visiting Vancouver right now, and my friend was showing me the city this weekend. We stopped into a local Indigo store where I was delighted to find my newest book, A World of Love, on a table at the front of the kids’ section as a suggested gift for Mother’s Day. I love the thought of families celebrating the occasion by sharing this story, which honors parental love!
I also recognize that many people in our lives who are not blood relations can serve as cheerleaders, supporters, and chosen family. I’m thinking of all the ways that people form community while I write this post. The friends with whom I’m staying have raised their kids alongside ours. We’ve swept up ground Cheerios and done dishes together. We’ve served as emergency contacts for school trips. We’ve passed along children’s clothing, celebrated holidays, and been there for birthdays, graduations, concerts, and many, many kid-created plays in our basements and living rooms.
I’m grateful for our community of friends that has been an integral part of our children’s lives. As Fred Rogers, of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood says, “Anyone who does anything to help a child . . . is a hero to me.”
I wanted to offer a giveaway in honor of those people in our lives whose care has nourished us–moms, grandmas, aunts, and anyone whose support has made your life richer. The winner will receive a $50 gift certificate (CAD) to the bookstore of your choice. It could be a fun gift to offer someone special this weekend. I’d love to have you enter here: https://bit.ly/MayGiveaway2024 The giveaway runs until midnight EST on Friday, May 10th, and I’ll email the winner on Saturday, May 11th. (One entry per person.)
If you are giving one of my books to someone this weekend and you’d like to make it a little extra special, just email me through the contact form on my website and let me know. I’d be happy to sign a bookplate and mail it to you or directly to the book’s recipient.
Welcome Home is perfect for new parents. First Morning Sun celebrates the milestones of a child’s first five years and also highlights the special role of older siblings.

Animal Snuggles features animal and human parents showing affection through physical touch, and A World of Love showcases many ways that animal parents all over the world nurture their young.

However you spend time this weekend, I hope you realize how irreplaceable you are.
I’m wishing you a world of love!