Expanding Horizons

The gestation period for my book was much longer than it was for my three children. I first had the idea nine years before Mama’s Day with Little Gray was published. Launch day brought feelings of excitement, curiosity, and a little bit of maternal protectiveness. Would my book find its way safely to new shelves? Would it be accepted? Liked, even?

I remembered the days of parting with my children at the Kindergarten door. Sometimes the teacher would send a note home with one of them that said: “I had a great day!” How much I appreciated those. Now that my book is out in the big, wide world, it’s been special to receive reports and pictures of Little Gray from various places. Like postcards from camp, they let me know that my book is faring well on this new adventure.

Below are a sampling of the places I’ve heard from:

Charlotte Glover, former children’s librarian and owner of Parnassus Books and Gifts in Ketchikan, Alaska wrote to say that she enjoyed Mama’s Day with Little Gray and had featured it for Mother’s Day in her store.

Parnassus Books

Ben McNally Books, a gorgeous store on Bay Street in Toronto, Ontario displayed the book by the cash.
Ben McNally Books

Nancy Fanning, event coordinator at Bethany Beach Books in Bethany Beach, Delaware reported that Mama’s Day with Little Gray was a hit at a recent story time.

Bethany Beach Books

Friends far and wide sent pictures of my book in their local Chapters, Indigo, or Barnes and Noble stores.

Chapters Burlington

And I found it nicely displayed in an area bookstore, Bryan Prince Bookseller, on the first day of release.

Aimee's phone May 10-2014 596

How wonderful to see Mama’s Day with Little Gray keeping company with such fine people and books. Thanks for celebrating with me, everyone.



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